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Hi, I'm Myra.


I would love to tell you exactly who I am and why I do the things I do. Fact of it is, I don't even know if I know. Half of the time I am Google-ing and Pinterest-ing "How to's".


I am a mom. I am a wife. I am a lover of... a lot of things. I spend my days with my babies and somedays our days are full of adventure. Other days we like to relax in our jammies all, day, long. Until dinner that is, then I find myself scrambling around trying to figure out where half my dishes are. 


Music is my life. There is not a day I go without listening, singing or recording myself on snapchat pretending that I am amazing. When the hubby and I get a chance to get away for a night, you will find us at a little Karaoke bar not too far from our home. 


My dream never consisted of becoming a photographer. I have always been into the artsy stuff and I do consider myself super creative. My little boys halloween costumes have turned out great, not that I know everything about sewing but I get it done. I actually aspired to be a fashion designer at one point and somewhere along the lines of "I'm going to take a break from college" and "I'm old enough to move out" well, I got a little sidetracked.


The love for photographing has always been there. My whole family was kind of obsessed with photo taking, actually. So maybe it is them I have to thank for this. I have always just had this outlook on life... we aren't guaranteed forever and things change so quickly. Photographs are a way to go back and savor the little details our minds may not always remember. 


When my son was born, I took pictures. Lots and lots and lots of pictures. With my phone at first, then a family members Canon. Nothing fancy, just a really nice step up from my iphone. I kept photographing and started posting photos on Facebook. Soon after, I was asked to take photos of a little girl, then a couple's photos and now, here we are.


What it boils down to is, I really love what I do. I love to document peoples stories with my camera.

So, lets talk!

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